Representation of Integers on a number line Ordering of integers Additon of Integers
Addition of Integers on a Number Line Subtraction of Integers with the help of a Number Line
A Fraction
Fraction on the Number Line
Proper Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Simplest Form of a Fraction
Like Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Adding or subtracting Like fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions Summary
Comparing Decimals
Using Decimals
Addition of Numbers with Decimals
Subtraction of Decimals
Recording Data
Organisation of Data
Interpretation of a Pictograph
Drawing a Pictograph
A Bar Graph
Interpretation of a bar graph Drawing a bar graph Summary
Perimeter of a Rectangle Perimeter of Regular Shapes Area
Area of a rectangle Area of a square Summary
Matchstick Patterns
The Idea of a Variable
Use of Variables in Common Rules
Expressions with Variables
Using Expressions Practically
What is an Equation?
Unitary Method
Making Symmetric Figures : Ink-blot Devils
Figures with Two Lines of Symmetry
Figures with Multiple (more than two) Lines of Symmetry
Reflection and Symmetry
The Circle
Construction of a Circle when its Radius is known A Line Segment
Construction of a Line Segment of a given Length Perpendiculars
Perpendicular to a Line through a Point on it Perpendicular to a Line through a Point not on
it The Perpendicular bisector of a Line Segment Angles
Constructing an Angle of a given measure Constructing a copy of an Angle of unknown measure Bisector
of an Angle Angles of Special Measures Summary
Formation of shadows
Functions of leaf
Topics Covered
Food Variety
Food Materials and Sources
Plant Parts and Animal Products as Food
What do Animals Eat?
What Do Different Food Items Contain?
What do Various Nutrients do for our Body?
Balanced Diet
Deficiency Diseases
Spinning Cotton Yarn
Yarn to Fabric
Knitting History of Clothing Material
Objects Around us
Properties of Materials
Methods of Separation
Hand Picking, Winnowing and Sieving Threshing Sedimentation, Decantation and Filtration Evaporation
Use of more than one method of separation Can water dissolve any amount of a substance? Summary
Can All Changes Always Be Reversed?
Could There be Other Ways to Bring a Change?
Herbs, Shrubs and Trees
Human Body and its Movements
Ball and socket joints Pivotal Joint Hinge joints Fixed joints Gait of Animals
Earthworm Snail Cockroach Birds Fish How do snakes move?
Habitat and Adaptation
A Journey Through Different Habitats
Deserts Mountain regions Some Aquatic Habitats oceans Ponds and lakes Do all living things need
food Do all living things show growth Do all living things respire Do all living things respond
to stimuli Living organisms and excretion Do all living things reproduce their own kind Do
all living things move What then is life Characteristics of the Living Beings
Story of Transport
Some measurements
Standard units of measurements
Correct measurement of length
Measuring the Length of a Curved Line
Moving Things Around us
Types of Motion
Transparent, Opaque and Translucent objects
What exactly are Shadows?
A Pinhole Camera
Mirrors and Reflections
Electric Cell
A Bulb connected to an electric cell
An Electric Circuit
Electric Switch
Electric conductors and insulators
How Magnets Were Discovered
Magnetic and Non-magnetic materials
Poles of Magnet
Finding Directions
Make your own Magnet
Attraction and Repulsion between Magnets
A Few Cautions
How much water do we use?
Where do we get water from?
Water cycle
Back to the oceans
What if it Rains heavily?
What happens if it does not rain for a long period?
How can we save Water?
Rainwater Harvesting
Is Air present everywhere around us?
What is Air made up of ?
How does oxygen become available to animals and plants living in water and soil?